Friday, May 15, 2015

I close my eyes and I picture us together

Source: asunlightcardigan

Source: Austin Adventures Inc.

Source: Bernando Ricci Armani

Source: Bjartur Vest

Source: Chris Burkard

Source: Emir Terovic

Source: @firstspokenproduction

Source: Flickr- needoptic

Source: Frank Hazebroek

Source: hamzahritchi

Source: jasontheaker

Source: NervMouse Chen

Source: Massimiliano Teodori

Source: Paul Simpson

Source: John Westrock

Source: Remigiusz Agatowski

Source: Rodolpho Reis

Source: soulsociety101

Source: eclypxe

Source: dyran

Source: zoiodlula

Source: Simeon Rusnak

Source: Simeon Rusnak

Source: danielodowd

Source: Chris Beescroft

Source: Bobby Sunner

Source: Joshua Davenport

Source: Marek Kljevsky

Source: bryandaugherty

Source: Flickr- cluke111

Source: Andrew Mace

Source: John Westrock

Source: @anthaang

Source: Thomas Janisch

Source: just-wanna-travel

Michael Langille

Source: Arindam Sen

Source: @mikederp

Source: Alex Vidal Brecas

Source: @farewellneff

Source: Guia Viajar Melhor

Source: @fabiooliveira

Source: Andrey Omelyanchuk

Source: Liao.Hero

Source: luxuryaccommodations

Source: 1D110

Source: Anton Korochinsky

Source: Alejandro Tejada

Picturing myself travelling around the world to all of these breathtaking locations. Tumblr is home to some of the most insane (read: creative) masterpieces, and even back in high school I would spend countless hours scouring its endless pages of mind-blowing inspiration. A few months ago I finally committed to an account and a few of the blogs I follow feature stunning travel photos like these. Even now I am always catching myself staring at a photo for way too long, wondering, "How is this real life?" The world is full of such limitless beauty and I only wish it was possible to explore every single inch of it in this one lifetime.

In the meantime, I'm still stuck in this office, with the only connection I feel to wandering the snowy mountains of Austria or Sweden being the freezing cold air-conditioning. So I'll resort to daydreaming and vicariously travelling through other people's photos. *sob*

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